young professionals in a meeting

Emerging Leaders Network

Emerging Leaders Network believes in the power of fresh perspective and unique expertise. They are a diverse and passionate group of people who are actively engaged in the future of the Association and hospitality industry.  

Owning the Present, Empowering the Future

The Association's Emerging Leaders Network (ELN) is designed to educate and support owners, operators and individuals on their teams who wish to advance their hospitality careers, especially within the Association itself. Whether you’re new to a leadership role at your organization or looking to expand your professional network and role in the Association, ELN is the perfect place to start. Networking and training opportunities provide ELN members a unique opportunity to collaborate directly with IHG and to help drive owners’ returns across the estate. ELN is focused on three areas:

people posting sticky notes

Building relationships

Members connect and learn directly from one another through unique networking opportunities where they can share fresh ideas and approaches to everyday challenges as well as long-term strategies for growth.

people in a casual meeting

The future of the industry

ELN provides a platform for change, through which owners’ perspectives are captured and factored into future planning and priorities of the Association and IHG.

woman lecturing to students

Personal growth and development

Members participate in specialized education programs and experiences to nurture skills and grow leadership profiles that help generate success.

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Emerging Leaders Network
Emerging Leaders Network (ELN)

Regional Representation

The ELN is currently available in the U.S. and Canada and in Europe. In both regions, it is led by an Emerging Leaders Committee, made up of Association members who have demonstrated a passion for IHG brands, an appetite for personal and professional growth and a long-term interest in the success of the IHG estate. Choose your region to learn more.